If there was a contest for best of the best in inquiries — Rob and Veronica just might have won. ;) Instead of trying to re-word what these wonderful writers wrote in their initial interaction with us, we thought we’d just post it here, for your enjoyment:
A bit about us + our day: – We started to write each other though we lived 4 miles apart. By writing, I mean we actually used the postal service. We both are writers from Milwaukee who just happened to find each other in San Diego. It seems like some sort of happy coincidence. So after a year and a half of riding bikes, brewing beer and slow dancing in the kitchen to Wilco, Rob decides to make me an honest woman. And now we are putting it all together. It’ll be full of lights, homemade paper flowers, and poems on clothespins. Well, hopefully. We are giving my Uncle Frank glucosamine so he doesn’t break it while he shakes it. And we’d love for you to be there.
Send us some info. We’d love to see what you guys are like and if you like Neil Young….
The rest of the story, in short, is that we met up with them while Kelly was pregnant and on crutches and our kids were running wild. And somehow, they still liked us enough to let us come to their wedding.
Ok, photo time. These guys will make you smile.