Welcome to our first podcast!
We’re Ray and Kelly, professional photographers, seasonal road-trippers and relationship coaches!
When we first started our wedding photography business, we loved what we did mostly for the novelty of it all – being part of big celebrations nearly every weekend was really fun. As time went on and we matured and grew and had a family of our own, we started seeing the depth of the work that we got to be a part of, the reality that we were being invited into intimate moments, given front-row seats to stories that not many people ever have the privilege of seeing. Over time, we started to take things more seriously and we realized that what we did really wasn’t all that much about us, but more about the stories of the people that were in front of our camera and in the shared spaces of those moments.
We also realized that, at every wedding, we get to see firsthand the fruit of marriage and family relationships and their effects on family legacies. Because we’ve had so many glimpses into family dynamics on display, we’ve become deeply interested in work around marriage relationships – so much so – that we were trained as certified Marriage Coaches and have been volunteer coaches for the past 3 years.
It’s been a wild ride, incredibly rewarding, and at times, intensely challenging.
We are both passionate about many topics, and we might branch out into more as time goes on, but here are some core ones that we’ll be covering in upcoming episodes:
- working together as a married couple
- ‘rules of life’ at home and in business
- systems and workflows to create freedom and harmony / balance
- family culture-making
- tag-teaming as homeschool parents
- and listening and communicating well within relationships
- all while living a life of faith
We want to give back on all that we’ve been given, to help couples – especially ones who work alongside each other – navigate through balancing schedules, life challenges, and personality differences, to find ways they can effectively communicate in order to have a thriving marriage and family culture.

When we first started our wedding photography journey we loved it for the art, we wanted to be STORY CREATORS.
As time went on, we really sought to be STORY TELLERS, to learn the depth of a couple’s story and to tell it well.
And now, as we’ve grown as people and as parents to growing children and have watched our parents become grandparents, we’ve felt the long-lasting impact of our work more than ever, and this has made us want to intentionally design the RHYTHMS of our home and work so that we can live a CREATIVE and meaningful STORY.
We’re inviting you into this process – you can think of these short episodes as little glimpses into our late night conversations… the ones where we think deep, get creative and ask the hard questions.
We’re so glad you’re here!
To connect, send us an email at podcast@rayandkelly.co